MonoMano Cycling is an adaptive bicycle handlebar to enable standard bicycles to be completely controlled by a rider who has been limited to the use of only a single functioning hand due to a stroke or amputation.
Bicycle control systems including steering, braking, and gear shift systems are all operational through the use of a single hand. The entire installation process has been designed around the premise that a person limited to one handed capabilities will be able to fully install the adaptive bicycle handlebar on their own without the use of extensive tools or professional bicycle services.
Bicycle control systems including steering, braking, and gear shift systems are all operational through the use of a single hand. The entire installation process has been designed around the premise that a person limited to one handed capabilities will be able to fully install the adaptive bicycle handlebar on their own without the use of extensive tools or professional bicycle services.
The final prototype tested for production met all of the proposed initial proof of concept design specifications, as well as Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Standards (CPSC) and submitted in its entirety as a patented product by the American CPSC to meet regulations, laws, and standards. The product has been in mass production for over 5 years and is undergoing consideration from several medical device rehabilitation companies to be used as a FDA regulated medical device.
An emerging market for adaptive bicycles and bicycle components has created a demand for a product such as the One Handed Handlebar to provide a recreational and leisurely experience for those who can no longer ride traditional bicycles.
The final design and application of the one handed handlebar has been selected to be placed into manufactured production as a product for sale by MonoMano Adaptive Cycling Solutions as a less expensive and more accommodating product to suit our consumer’s needs.